The film tells the story of ambitious cello student Jessica, who moves into her first apartment with her boyfriend Lorenz. When she receives the honorable invitation to represent Germany at an international classical music competition, it is her big chance - but at the same time it also means enormous pressure. Her tension gradually begins to eat into her everyday life and soon reality and imagination seem to blur.
Duration: 98 minutes
Production: mojo:pictures Associate Producer: DOMAR Film GmbH
Distributor: Daredo Media GmbH/Darling Berlin
Sales: Wide Management
Written and directed by Jakob M. Erwa
Camera: Christian Trieloff
Editing: Wiebke Henrich
Production design: Stefanie Übelhhör
Jessica: Esther Maria Pietsch
Lorenz: Matthias Lier
Helmut Domweber: Hermann Beyer
Hilde Domweber: Tanja Seibt
World premiere at the Berlin International Film Festival 2015
Nominated for the Perspektive Fellowship & the DFJW Prize at the Berlinale 2015
Nominated for the Austrian Film Award 2017